Conference History

3rd Annual Conference ( GNN 2021 )
August 16-19, 2021, Online Conference (Microsoft Teams Meeting)
Supported by NPU-NCP (A Joint Venture between National Centre for Phsyics (NCP) Islamabad, Pakistan & Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China), more than 50 renowned scientists joined the conference and gave insights on the Nanomaterials and graphene. Five Best Oral Presenters and one Best Poster Presenter were selected and awarded.
August 16-19, 2021, Online Conference (Microsoft Teams Meeting)
Supported by NPU-NCP (A Joint Venture between National Centre for Phsyics (NCP) Islamabad, Pakistan & Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China), more than 50 renowned scientists joined the conference and gave insights on the Nanomaterials and graphene. Five Best Oral Presenters and one Best Poster Presenter were selected and awarded.

2nd Annual Conference ( GNN 2020 )
November 1-4, 2020, Online Conference (Microsoft Teams Meeting)
Due to the outbreak of COVID-2019, GNN2020 was changed to Online Conference with more than 50 participants from 13 countries. 2 keynote speeches, 29 oral presentations and 1 poster presentation have been delivered at the conference. 2 Best Oral Presenters were selected and awarded. 10 good quality papers were accepted by the conference proceedings.
November 1-4, 2020, Online Conference (Microsoft Teams Meeting)
Due to the outbreak of COVID-2019, GNN2020 was changed to Online Conference with more than 50 participants from 13 countries. 2 keynote speeches, 29 oral presentations and 1 poster presentation have been delivered at the conference. 2 Best Oral Presenters were selected and awarded. 10 good quality papers were accepted by the conference proceedings.

1st Annual Conference ( GNN 2019 )
July 8-11, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
With the sponsorship of the local universities, the 1st GNN conference has attracted 85 participants from 17 countries and regions. It consisted of 3 keynote speeches, 15 invited speeches, 27 oral presentations and 9 poster presentations.
July 8-11, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
With the sponsorship of the local universities, the 1st GNN conference has attracted 85 participants from 17 countries and regions. It consisted of 3 keynote speeches, 15 invited speeches, 27 oral presentations and 9 poster presentations.