Poster Presentation
Presentation of a poster provides an opportunity for effective one-to-one communication.1. Poster Instructions
- The recommended poster size is 160cm (height) ×60cm (width).
- To ensure visual effectiveness of your poster, use large lettering and a minimum of text.
- Please print the poster by yourself and bring it to the conference.
- Put your poster up at least 1 hour prior to the start of the poster session.
- All presenters are responsible for removing their posters after presentation time. The Secretariat takes no responsibility for posters after that.
2. Best Poster Presentation Selection
Best Poster(s) will be selected to encourage good presentation atmosphere during the poster session, please make sure your Paper ID (GNN****) is clearly shown in the header for Best Poster Selections. The winner(s) will be awarded with free registration for GNN2023.Selection Criteria
- Research Quality
- Presentation Skill
- Design

- 10 judges will be invited by the Conference General Chair to review the posters;
- 2 red stickers and 2 green stickers will be provided to the judges. The red sticker stands for "Research Quality" with a value of 2 points; the green sticker stands for "Presentation Skill and Design" with a value of 1 point;
- Each judge will give the stickers to the poster which he/she thinks is high quality or well design and good presentation;
- The Chair will count the points from each poster and select the best poster(s) with more points. If there is a tie, the one with more red (Research Quality) stickers wins; if there is still a tie, the Chair will make the final decision.